Crew logoCrew Wardrobe Creations
Crew Wardrobe Creation for your crews on the move by air, liner, cruise or private jet and yacht.
TEL : +1 604 629 8931 ,CELL : +1 778 318 8020

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Exclusive and privateCommanding, attending &
service uniforms
If you are the proud owner of a stunningly decorated and fitted private or corporate jet, or if your company is involved in building or designing the interiors of the ultimate worldly toys then why live without the nec plus ultra ? Go ahead and indulge your senses with exclusively designed staff livrée, matching your stately environment. Far from being the average cotton polyester uniform offered by mass uniform suppliers, we provide the ultimate in quality and service. If you wish you may meet our design director in person at a dedicated location at your convenience. Just click the e-mail button for a prompt reply to your personal enquiry.

See our Crew on the Move uniforms

TEL:             +1 604 629 8931 Pacific West Coast day time
MGR CELL: +1 778 318 8020 Pacific West Coast day time

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(C) Copyright 1996 by Crew Wardrobe Creations. All rights reserved.