CWC logo Corporate Wardrobe Consultants
Uniform Design and Product Services for the International Hospitality and Service Industry. Helping you make a first and lasting impression on your customers.

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Project Portfolio Part I

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Project Portfolio Part II

    We not expect you dear visitor to like each individual design/style exactly as they are. We invite you during the reviewing process to keep in mind, they all uniforms that you see, were made to satisfy particular criteria's of interiors and sometimes very particular color schemes in different countries from China to USA. Some very concise some more extensive, depending the brief of the leading team representing owners, managers etc..
    Due to the grand number of pages of our original Portfolios we have divided the each Book into 2 files each and reduced the size from A3 considerably. It is, to give each visitor to this website an overview of our creativity, and not to pass on distinctive details of each garment that are the propriety of our clients. The size reduction is the reason for some colors and detail definition loss, but the outcome is more than equal.

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Fashion Influence Portfolio Part I

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Fashion Influence Portfolio Part II

    The Portfolio showing the possible influence of Fashion since the past century onto the world of Corporate uniforms, is a large book that we show all our new or potential clients. Your reaction to each page of them, gives us great insight on your likings and dislikings of shapes, details colors and other possible influences.
    It is a book that is based on garments that were designed for an international clientele on a grand scale by fashion designers that are world famous.
    We do not claim to have designed these garments shown. They reflect, such as mood boards and style boards (that are widely used in the design world) what can be achieved by associating fabrics, shapes, details, moods and look that can be worked towards.

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MGR CELL: +1 778 318 8020 Pacific West Coast day time

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