


Alpine Herbal Health Drink Almdudler Products Asia

Almdudler's march into Asia has been planned for many months. Already a highly successful drink in Europe, especially in Austria and Germany. Almdudler the no1 Softdrink after Coca Cola was given by us a major push into Asia, where it is now being marketed under the sole agency of Almdudler Products Asia.

Retaining the expertise of Graphic Senses Design Studio, Almdudler Products Asia developed a spectacular line of advertising posters blending natural alpine flavour with the city life of Asia. One of Almdudler's marketing messages in Asia is now:

Were we the first Green Drink as we sold under the slogan "We Bottle the Taste of Nature "

Seeing the huge growth of the internet as a marketing tool, Almdudler Products Asia decided that it would be very useful to set up a promotional web site. Working closely with Almdudler Products Asia, Web Ad Design produced the web advertising concept for Almdudler in Asia. Since all web sites have many casual browsers, maximum visual impact was placed on the opening page. But visitors will also find detailed reports on the success of Almdudler in Europe and how Almdudler Products Asia intends to bring this success to Asia. Also included is a poster gallery which shows the variety and quality of promotional material available from Almdudler Products Asia.

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